Week 4 of Gluten & Dairy Free diet

Hello All! I am on week 4 of No Dairy and no Gluten. I also gave up eggs, peanuts, beans and rice. The only thing I haven't given up is my morning Coffee. I did switch to Almond milk creamer though. We spent the past week in Atlanta for my sisters wedding. Finding ways to eat around all my issues was tough! Lots of salad and a great dinner at a BBQ place that had Gluten free sauce! So yummy! On the way home we had Ribs and I had a great lunch in the Denver airport. They had many Gluten free options on the menu and the waitress was great to point out which ones tasted best. I was easily able to request no dairy. All these amazing changes and I am still having digestive problems. No changes at all. I can tell that I have lost a good amount of fat around my middle though as my jeans are now loose. Today I met with a Gastroenterologist. They are going to take some tests to find out if I have a Pathogen, Allergy or am Celiac. I am really anxious at this point to get some answers. But I have discovered some great items along the way. I have been posting my finds on
Instagram (alisonmom2farrah.jade) so follow me there if you want!


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