My fitness and Dietary journey

I first got serious about fitness after I order my size 6 wedding dress back in 2010. We were planning a wedding in Miami so I got a low back, beaded strap, very fitted dress.  I found it in a wedding magazine and never thought it would look good on me, but once I tried it on I loved it. For our honeymoon we decided on an 11 day Caribbean cruise. So in total, I figured I would have to wear a bikini for 15 days straight! 4 days in Miami with our friends and family for our wedding, I wanted to look amazing. Followed by 11 days on a boat and on excursions with my new, very muscular and fit husband.  We ate clean(ish) and I hit the gym like I had never done before in my life. I went to Boot camp classes, did step aerobics and lifted weights. And viola it worked. I was at my lowest weight since high school on my wedding day, 129 pounds. I rocked a white bikini on the beach and wore lots of short tight dresses on our honeymoon.

I did a half marathon in October of 2011, had baby Number 1, did 5 more Half marathons in 2012-2013 and a full Marathon in June 2014. I was in the best shape of my life at this point and I got pregnant with my second daughter. I continued to workout through my pregnancy. I practiced yoga and did regular weights and Zumba classes.  I delivered my daughter in April 2015 with no epidural and 2 easy, although painful pushes. I worked hard, got back to running at 5 weeks post part em and was zipping up my pre-pregnancy jeans at 4 months post part em. At that point I got seriously into Hot Vinyasa yoga and trained and ran 3 more half marathons. I tried various challenges to keep myself in shape. Typically I got off track around the Holidays and gained 10 pounds back.

Starting in Spring of this year (2016) I started experiencing some gas and discomfort. I was taking Whey protein very regularly. Some days I had up to 3 servings. I cut back to 1 serving a day but I was still experiencing gas and bloating. After a very painful weekend where I was having severe bowel pain I gave up Protein supplements. My diet consists of 2 Omega rich brown eggs with 1.5 pieces of Sprouted Wheat bread. For snacks I will have a Greek yogurt with nuts or a Kind bar. Lunch is typically chicken with rice or potatoes and peppers. Some days I add a salad. Dinner is the same, fish, chicken or lean meat with red potatoes or yellow rice.

As of yesterday, October 31st, I am totally off of dairy. I am still feeling some discomfort but am hopeful that as I eliminate further irritating foods that I will start to feel better.  I just completed a 31 day fitness challenge so I am feeling great about myself. I have come to a point though that I just can't keep going day to day in such discomfort. So I am willing to change my diet accordingly. Gluten? Sugar? Peanuts? Eggs? Rice?  This will be tough to figure out. I want to maintain my workouts and I need fuel to do so.


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