Trip to Japan- Part 2

Upon arrival in Narita we knew we needed to take 2 trains to get to our final destination, Kanazawa in the Ishikawa Prefecture.  The first train took us to Tokyo terminal. It was 50 minutes ride. The second train was a super fast bullet train. Called the Shrinkhassen, this train took us all the way to Kanazawa in 2.5 hours. By car this trip would take 7 hours. So the train is very fast! It cost about $280 to ride it. Our children are young so we only had to buy 2 seats. But this meant sharing 2 seats on a 2.5 hour train ride! Thankfully we are not large people and could squeeze 3 across. We were glad we brought the DVD player as watching another movie made the time pass quickly for our toddler. We arrived in Kanazawa at 9 pm local time. Our hotel, the ANA Crowne Plaza was right next to the train terminal, just a short walk away. Once we got to our room we were exhausted so went straight to bed. The room had 2 small double beds. So toddler slept with Daddy and I slept with the baby. As I am nursing her this was the only way she would sleep anyway. At 3 a.m. both girls were wide awake. We tried to get them back to sleep but gave up after an hour. Farrah was being silly, singing and dancing around the room. Breakfast started at 6 a.m. so we headed down around then. The food at the hotel was amazing. There was plenty of fruit, yogurt and cereal options for Farrah. Also included were pancakes, French toast, eggs, salmon, sausage and best of all 2 expresso machines that made the best coffee's. I enjoyed Cafe Mochas and Cafe Lattes :) Breakfast was a long affair! After breakfast we stepped outside to get some fresh air. It was cool out but the sun was out and it looked to be a beautiful day for a wedding. We were told that a car would pick us up at 11 am to take us to the Temple for the wedding so we went back to the room. We allowed plenty of time to bath both girls and have time for us to get ready as well. Once we were ready we headed out for another walk around the neighborhood. We checked out the train station im the day time. It is truly am architectural wonder. Many people travel to Kanazawa and the station is the. no. 1 site to visit. The girls got a ton of attention from people everywhere we went. People stopped and stared. Jade has very big blue eyes which I think caught the most attention. I will go on to describe the wedding in Part 3.


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