Road trip tips

 Spring break is coming up in a few weeks! We flew a lot when our girls were a little because my husband worked for Delta Airlines. But now he has a job with no flight benefits so we have to drive anywhere. We have done 4 road trips so far since moving to Northern Kentucky. We always drive during the day, with a very early start! The easiest we can,  4 am is best! Have the car packed the night before. If you can bring coffee and water so you don’t have to stop for awhile. If kids stay asleep and you can wait to pee, drive until you need gas. We have made it 4 hours! At this time stop at a gas station, bathroom break/ diaper change. Snack or cheap toy purchase. I usually hit the dollar store before we leave so I have a bag full of easy toys and crafts. Other ideas I have used include; stuff to make sandwiches, time your mid day stop at a rest stop so kids can run around, some even have small playgrounds or wooded trails (Wisconsin). Portable DVD players can entertain the older kids for hours! Joke books or other interactive books are fun. When you stop always have kids get out and stretch! You can do step ups on a curb or just walk around in a circle. One time we stopped at a gas station and that was across from a dollar store so we went in and got a little toy. This year we are driving to Florida for Spring break! It will be our first time to Florida with all 4 kids.  Our youngest will be 18 months. My older kids have always been really good on road trips. I hope that this trip goes well! 


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