When life throws you lemons

Life is always a little on the crazy side when you have 3 kids. The walks to school, pickups, keeping the laundry done. We have a big house with lots of rooms to clean and organize. If something gets lost or a favorite toy is missing we have to search so many rooms. We are always rushing to get out the door on time in the morning. Making sure everyone has socks on or appropriate clothing for the weather. Always having to run all the way back upstairs if one kid forgot socks or we can't find a hair tie.

My oldest still needs help picking out her clothes and getting her hair combed and up in a pony tail. My younger daughter likes to pick out her own clothes, never likes her hair combed and barely eats breakfast. She is the ultimate snacker. She has always been on the lowest side of the scale at the Pediatricians office. She pretty much has been off the chart, I mean the bottom of the chart since she was 1 year old. Most days I am just happy if she eats something! Even if it is a rice krispy treat and a fruit snack.

And now the third child, a boy. He started walking at 11 months. He gets into everything now! Boys are so different. I am realizing it more and more each day. His first word was "NO" and his second was "Stop".  He likes to crawl into the oven drawer, play in the toilet, and take everything out of the cupboards.

  My daily routine has always been to get to the gym right away in the morning. I have had a gym membership since I was in high school. My family was always very active when I was a kid. I can remember my Dad doing old Gilad workout videos in our basement.  My mom was an avid bike rider, and loved to take super long walks with our dog Sam.  We had a water ski boat since I was a kid as well. We would go out on the lake all summer and water ski and my Dad would pull us on a tube. I have so many fun memories from camping and being active outdoors as kid. My dad put a big wooden swing set n our yard with monkey bars and swings. We also had a basketball hoop to shoot hoops right in our yard.

How do you stay organized as a Stay at home mom? Do you have daily routines or tricks to get out the door on time? What do you keep in your diaper bag? I would love to hear from you!


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