Kyler's birth Story

Getting pregnant with a 3rd baby was a big surprise for us. After having our 2 girls my husband would mention how he needed to get a Vasectomy. I slowly purged out all our basic baby equipment, but I held on to the crib and baby girl clothes. But shortly into January 2018, I was just not quite feeling like myself and decided to take a pregnancy test.  Of course, it was positive and baby was on his way. We found out early on that we were having a boy. I planned to have another natural delivery and had all my maternity care at the Hospital in Murray, about 30 minutes from our home. I saw a Midwife practice and was happy with my choice for another natural delivery. I was hoping the hospital was going to offer water birth options. My baby was due on September 24, 2018.  Throughout the pregnancy I had this feeling that I would delivery early. I worked out every day and kept up cardio, weights and yoga until my due date.  My Dad and G (his fiance) flew in the weekend before my due date to help with our girls and hopefully be here for the birth. My niece Tessa was on school break so she was also able to come stay with us for the week. 

I went in to get my cervix checked September 26th in the morning and my Midwife said I was already dilated to a 4. But I was having no contractions so she sent me home. She made me an appointment to get induced that Friday. the 28th. My dad had to fly home on the afternoon of the 26th. Of course the day came and no baby! I had a feeling that after he left I would go into labor. We went out to dinner at IN and OUT burger and I had a Root Beer with my burger. I thought the Soda was making me sick as I never usually drink soda. We said goodbye to my Dad and headed home. All evening I was not feeling well, but still no contractions. We headed to bed to try and get a good nights sleep. I could not get comfortable and started having mild contractions. I thought labor was starting, but nothing happened and I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later and felt a contraction, and then another contraction. I got up to use the bathroom and had another contraction. I knew at that point baby was on his way! I woke up my husband we said goodbye to G, she was so nervous as I had a major contraction in the hallway!  We hurried up and headed to the Hospital at 12:24 a.m. My husband drove as fast as he safely could. It was the longest,bumpiest ride of my life. I had so many contractions in the car. I tried to time them and think they were 3 minutes apart! When we pulled in to the hospital I hobbled inside. The orderly grabbed a wheel chair and took me back to a room right away. The nurse asked if a I could change into a robe. I said no! I was in Major labor! The nurse started an IV for emergency use and the Midwife came in to check my cervix. I was already at an 8. A minute or 2 later and they said it was time to push!!

Push 1,2,3 and his head was out! I screamed the whole time! I kept trying to slow my breathing but the pain was so intense! I could literally feel everything! His shoulders coming out was so painful but after that I was done! I had my baby boy. They told me I had only been at the hospital for 10 minutes! My baby was 8 pounds 3 oz and 21 inches long. He was born at 1:10 a.m. on September 26, 2018.  We named him Kyler Boe Richardson. G, Tessa and his big sisters Farrah and Jade came to visit later that day. Everyone was smitten with him. He has blonde fuzzy hair and blue eyes.


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