Dealing with a dramatic 3 year old

I am determined to make it through the minute, the hour, the day. I take a deep breath and pray, Dear God, please give me the patience needed to deal with my 3 year old! I sometimes think it's hardest on me because she looks just like me. A mini- me screaming at me! I am by nature, a very calm, easy going person. Being a mother has brought up so much stress and anger that I never knew I had in me. I had no clue how stressful having a toddler could be. My husband and I decided to start her in preschool early to try and give her some time away from Mommy and being in a structured environment. F loves school and her teacher but I not sure it makes time at home better or worse. After school she is tired but refuses to nap. I know she is a strong-willed little girl. I am learning that it is easier to let her pick out her own clothes. That she will survive if she wears a pink shirt and purple pants with a sparkly tutu. I let her wear a pink dress for Christmas and sometimes we wear the same pajamas 3 nights in a row. I never know what mood she will wake up in. So I go downstairs, make a big pot of coffee and take a deep breath. I can handle this, I can do this, really she is only 3. How bad can today be?!


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