Flying to Japan with 2 littles

We have known for awhile now that my Husband's brother was getting married.... In Kanazawa, Japan. When we first found out they were getting married I was pregnant with our second baby. I told my Husband, B that there was no way I was going on that long flight with two kids. We flew to Japan to visit his brotherwhen I was pregnant with our first and I could not fathom trying to fly 10+ hours with a toddler and a baby. But now F is 3.5 and baby J is 5.5 months. After some consideration and successful flights to Minnesota, Michigan and Atlanta, I decided I can handle traveling with young children! We hurried to Walgreens to take their pictures (both of them crying during their photo) and on to the passport office and expedited their passports (an extra $60 fee per child). My husband researched and ordered us a Macleren Globetrotter stroller. I ordered a breast- feeding friendly dress from Anthropology (Fara dress) and ordered the girls matching dresses from Carters. Plus tights, shoes, sweaters, and bows from Target. The passports came yesterday so I guess it is official... We are going! The plan is to fly to LAX on the 13th and fly from there to Narita, Tokyo. It looks to be a 10 hour flight. I grabbed some coloring pads from the Target dollar aisle. I love the magic color ones that only work on the pad. I still need to figure out how many snacks to pack and diapers! Diapers always take up the most space in the suitcase. I usually buy them when we get to our destination but I am not taking that risk in a foreign country! Baby J is not sleeping through the night so that is stressful. But how often do you have a chance to go to a family wedding in Japan! It is a once in a lifetime experience. I will write another post after the trip!


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