Spartan Sprint Race while pregnant

My husband and I got into Spartan racing last summer. Our first race was the Utah Super (6 miles) in August 2017. Our second race was the Michigan Sprint (5 miles) in September. We finished our first TRifecta, completing all 3 race distances in one year with the Central Florida Beast in December (13 miles).  We went ahead and purchased a Trifecta pass for this year, excited to improve our speed and technique on obstacles and try out some races in different states. We discovered its a great way to have an active vacation! 

Well in January, I started to feel off, not like myself.  I so was moody and realized my period was late!! To our utter surprise, I was pregnant! We already have 2 girls and were getting ready to pull the plug (Vasectomy!) on the idea of any more kids. 

I was still training hard through the first trimester and I was not showing yet so we decided to drive down to Mesquite, Nevada and run a Sprint race this past weekend. I was nervous as I was not sure how my body would respond to all the obstacles. My running pace was significantly slower, but I mainly attribute this to spending the winter running on a treadmill.  My legs and lungs were not at all prepared for running up and down hills, and the sandy trail we ran on. I stopped and walked when ever I felt out of breadth. As I got to each obstacle though, I just went for it! My body responded well, and I felt no pain or ligament stretching like I feared. My baby is the size of a lime as I am 11 weeks pregnant. Thankfully I had no issues running this race. I was so happy and proud each step of the way! I raised my hands in victory after each obstacle! At the finish line I stopped to shed a tear, thanked my body, my baby and took it all in! What an amazing experience that I can't wait to tell my baby boy about this some day! 

The multi-rig ----

My fire-jump at the finish line

The bucket carry--This was tough as it was heavy and put pressure on my lower back.


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